1. IT TAKES special ineptitude to cheapen a principle without getting anything much in return. 去降低一个原则还没有得到很大的回报是要有特别的愚笨。
2. For the DPJ government the opposition's ineptitude has not mattered, so capable has it proved at self-destruction. 对于执政的民主党政府而言,在野党的乱象无关紧要,民主党自身也在自毁之路上愈走愈远。
3. Despite the ineptitude and factionalism of the Ming court, the Chinese responded powerfully, sending a strong expeditionary force to check the Japanese advance and shore up the Korean king. 尽管明朝朝廷无能、党争激烈,中国人还是作出了强烈的回应,派遣一支强大的远征部队来阻止日本人的前进并扶持朝鲜国王。
1. unskillfulness resulting from a lack of training
2. having no qualities that would render it valuable or useful