1. She could not ignore his indecorous behaviour though she loved him very much. 尽管她非常爱他却无法忽视他那有失体统的行为。
2. Do not bring into the Hall or exhibit any advertising materials, illegal substance, combustible materials, damaged materials and anesthetic or indecorous matter. 除非预先获得学生事务处特别安排,切勿将任何宣传物料、易燃物品、非法物品、危险品及不雅污秽物品带进宿舍或在宿舍内展示。
3. The film is set in Budapest, amid a collision of two unlikely worlds: the political backdrop of the US Embassy and the indecorous underworld of East Europe's pornography scene. 电影开始于布达佩斯,在两个个不同世界中碰撞:美国大使馆的政治背景幕和欧洲东部的***图画同时出现。
1. lacking propriety and good taste in manners and conduct
2. not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society