1. Pessimism is being ridden with worries and indecisiveness. 悲观是事情还未开始己有很多挂虑,甚至犹豫不决。
2. Because of the general's indecisiveness, our armies have lost the initiative to the enemy. 由于主帅的犹豫不决,我们的军队失去了对敌人的主动。
3. Many in this second camp, who have despaired of Mr Yushchenko's indecisiveness, were gleeful over the dissolution. 曾对亚努科维奇的犹豫不决感到绝望的第二阵营的人们,现在对他的解散令感到十分高兴。
1. doubt concerning two or more possible alternatives or courses of action
2. the trait of irresolution; a lack of firmness of character or purpose