1. Supervising the administrative personnel brings about necessary guarantee of an incorrupt, efficient and law-abiding administration. 行政监察是依法行政、廉洁行政、高效行政的重要保证。
2. When I was an official, I was incorrupt and loved my people even my salary was petty and consequently, had little saving. Now I am retired. 当我做官时虽然薪水微薄,然而我却依然清廉爱民,以致于鲜有积蓄。
3. School incorruption education is the main path that trains the incorrupt consciousness and fair justice character of teenager, can also result the social culture to be incorrupt. 学校廉洁教育是培养青少年廉洁意识和公平正义素质的主要途径,也可为社会培育廉政文化发挥辐射、引导和示范作用。
1. free of corruption or immorality
2. free of corruption or immorality