1. The impassivity of these monumental structures contrasts sharply with the swarming human life that surges in the streets below. 这些伟大的建筑物的宁静与下面街道上熙熙攘攘的人群形成了一个鲜明的对照。
2. Impassivity by sellers is a highly effective style for both trade and investment, but it requires counterparts who are short on research. 对于贸易和投资,卖方所持的这种泰然自若的冷漠使用种非常有效率的谈判方式;但是所需的条件是对方缺少足够的调研。
3. Like impassivity, the stern approach requires a poker face but unlike its sister style, motives and technique are made plain from the start. 同冷漠型相似,这种严肃谈判方法要求使用者是面无表情的人,但是所不同的是,从谈判一开始就明确了动机和技巧。
1. apathy demonstrated by an absence of emotional reactions