1. There is no doubt that using a color laser imaging technology incorporated in the system at a great advantages. 毫无疑问,采用一次成像技术的彩色激光一体机在制卡速度上占有很大的优势。
2. Some new progresses have achieved in the clinical application of diffusion tensor imaging technique in this field. 近年来,弥散张量成像技术在这一领域的临床应用取得了一些新的进展。
3. Consider the following three elements when setting up your system: imaging system parameters, lighting, and motion. 当设置你的系统时需考虑以下三个因素:成像系统参数,灯光,和动作。
1. the ability to form mental images of things or events
2. (medicine) obtaining pictures of the interior of the body