1. They threw their King Kong together with an unthinking haste that accounts for its zany illogic. 他们在一片未思索的匆忙中,匆匆把金刚凑在一起,而必须为电影的荒唐不合逻辑负责。
2. Therefore different modes of thinking would lead to some illogic and ambiguous sentences in Chinese language. 由于汉语重整体思维和主体思维的倾向,有时会出现一些似乎不合逻辑或有歧义的语言现象。
3. But Mr. Houghton had fought in the First World War alongside both Americans and French, and had come - by who knows what illogic?- to a settled detestation of both countries. 但是豪顿先生在第一次世界大战中曾经和美国人和法国人并肩作战,而且——由于谁也弄不懂的逻辑——对两个国家都深恶痛绝。