1. I despair when I see how many companies are run by humourless number-crunchers. 我绝望到看到,有那么多的公司由缺乏幽默感会计人员一手掌管。
2. She wanted to look light, dispel any impression she might have given that she was a humourless prude. 她想使自己看起来轻松一些,摆脱掉那不苟言笑,一本正经的印象。
3. Night Haunter moulded his sons into an efficient, humourless force of warriors to whom killing was second nature, achieving their goals by any means necessary. 暗夜幽魂成功的将他的孩子们铸造成以残杀为第二天性,达成目的不择手段的猎手。