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    1. It can be in any metope construction, wait like cement face, lime face, ceramic tile face, board face, iron plate face, glass face, plastic face, bubble surface.
    2. Building integrity to face for concise style, to face the North-South and East-West Wing glass wall to face the real face a strong strength contrast.
    3. Face detection is the leading phase of face recognition. Locating face correctly and accurately is necessary for high recognition-rate face recognition.
    4. This dissertation is dedicated how to detect the facial feature of the frontal human face on a static colorized image and consequently detect the human face.
    5. Human subjectivism is the human centered human centralism which plays leading role and has the dominant position on the relation of human and nature.


    Metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems - Face-to -face and centre-to-face dimensions
    法兰连接金属阀门 结构长度; 法兰联接金属阀门 结构长度;
    Metal valves for use in marine flanged pipe systems--Face-to-face and centre-to-face dimensions
    Nature and Human and Human Being Society
    Human Environment and Human Ecology
    Human and Nature in the Eyes of Marx and Engel--Viewpoints of Environmental Protection Law in the Effect of Labor From Ape to Human
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