1. A few years ago, my mother had a stroke that left her homebound. 几年前,母亲患中风再也不能出门。
2. We knew there would be many homebound evenings, so I put all five seasons of "The Wire" on my online DVD list. 我们也知道未来会有许多个日夜奔走于家与医院之间,因此我在DVD在线播放清单里添加了所有五季的《火线》剧集。
3. As the temperature continues to drop below freezing, homebound games will be stirring their hot chocolates and taking a turn rolling the dice. 随着气温继续降到结冰点以下,呆在家里的游戏者会一边搅拌滚热的巧克力,一边轮流投掷游戏骰子。
1. people who are confined to their homes
2. confined usually by illness
Song Of Homebound Fishman 渔舟唱晚;
The Quality of FamilyCare for the Homebound Stroke Elderly 居家中风依赖老人之家庭照护品质,;