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hold [həuld]



    vt. 持有;拥有;保存;拘留;约束或控制
    vi. 支持;有效;持续
    n. 控制;保留




contain   普通用词,所涉及的物体常常是其组成部分或内容。强调包容关系。既可指具体有形的东西,也可指抽象无形的东西。
include   普通用词,指一整体包含着各独立的部分,也指某东西包含另一东西的某一部分。
embrace   正式用词,指把某事物纳入整个之中。
involve   把包含因整体的性质决定的成分或结果。所包括的往往是无形的,不可触知的东西,多用作引申。
comprehend   正工用词,指包含在整体范围以内。
hold   常和contain换用。指能够容纳或有足够的容纳量。强调包容能力。
comprise   书面用词,暗指一个整体包括不同部分所组成,可与include交换使用。


    1. You may hold your opinion, but you have to obey orders.
    2. We hold the goods at your disposition.
    3. Yet you warm my heart for we hold the light.


      1. the act of grasping
      2. understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something
      3. power by which something or someone is affected or dominated
      4. time during which some action is awaited
      5. a state of being confined (usually for a short time)
      6. a stronghold
      7. a cell in a jail or prison
      8. the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it
      9. the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
      1. organize or be responsible for
      2. keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g.,
      3. have or hold in one's hands or grip
      4. to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement
      5. have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices
      6. have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense
      7. keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view
      8. contain or hold; have within
      9. lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits
      10. remain in a certain state, position, or condition
      11. maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings)
      12. assert or affirm
      13. remain committed to
      14. secure and keep for possible future use or application
      15. be the physical support of; carry the weight of
      16. hold the attention of
      17. keep from exhaling or expelling
      18. support or hold in a certain manner
      19. have room for; hold without crowding
      20. be capable of holding or containing
      21. be valid, applicable, or true
      22. take and maintain control over, often by violent means
      23. protect against a challenge or attack
      24. declare to be
      25. have as a major characteristic
      26. cause to stop
      27. bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted
      28. cover as for protection against noise or smell
      29. drink alcohol without showing ill effects
      30. be pertinent or relevant or applicable
      31. arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance
      32. resist or confront with resistance
      33. keep from departing
      34. stop dealing with
      35. aim, point, or direct
      36. be in accord; be in agreement


    保持; 船舱; 支点; 握住;
    hold up
    举起; 抢劫; 支撑; 阻挡;
    hold out
    伸出; 维持,保持; 坚持; 提出;
    hold it
    且慢; 别动!; 停、别动; 另类摇滚;
    on hold
    挂起; 尚未办理的事情; 等候接听; 黄色覆盆子;
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