1. According to local folklore, this cave was once the hideout of a famous bank robber. 根据当地的传说,一名家喻户晓的银行抢匪曾经藏匿在此山洞中。
2. Special forces' soldiers came across the caves after a five-year-long hunt for the secret hideout of a top Farc commander. 特种部队的士兵搜寻一个叛军高级指挥官的藏身之处长达五年后,碰巧找到了这个洞穴。
3. Zion, the faithful city, has become a harlot! She who abounded in justice, in whom righteousness lodged, has become a hideout of murderers! 忠贞的城邑,怎麽变成了荡妇!昔日充满著正义,寄居著公平的,现今却住满了谋杀的凶手!
1. a hiding place; usually a remote place used by outlaws