1. By effort and heedfulness, discipline and self-mastery, let the wise one make for himself an island which no flood can overwhelm. 通过不放逸、正念、戒律与防护诸根,智者使自己成为一座洪水无法淹没的岛屿。
2. The monk who delights in heedfulness and looks with fear at heedlessness advances like fire, burning all fetters, small and large. 乐于精进与视放逸为危害的比丘,有如火焰般前进,烧尽一切大小的束缚。
3. Delight in heedfulness! Guard well your thoughts! Draw yourself out of this bog of evil, even as an elephant draws himself out of the mud. 当乐于精进、防护己心。如受困的象脱出泥沼般,你亦应使自己脱离烦恼的泥沼。
1. the trait of staying aware of (paying close attention to) your responsibilities