1. They were Hooded Crane (52 birds), White-naped Crane (4 birds), Red-crowned Crane (11 birds), Demoiselle Crane (11 birds). 其中白头鹤52只,丹顶鹤11只,白枕鹤4只,蓑羽鹤11只。
2. RSM Cranes sells all types of Cranes to a world wide customer base, Crawler crane, All Terrain Crane, Rough Terrain crane, Truck loader crane. 丹参起重机销售所有类型的起重机,为世界广泛的客户基础,履带式起重机,全地形起重机,崎岖地形起重机,卡车装载起重机。
3. Crane head altar is for incense burning, because Heming Mountain like a flying crane, Crane Head Altar lies at the head of the crane. Here. 鹤头香为敬香处,因鹤鸣山山形似鹤,而设置鹤头香的地方正是鹤头的位置,所以称为“鹤头香”。
4. RSM Cranes sells all types of Cranes to a world wide customer base, Crawler crane, All Terrain Crane, Rough Terrain crane, Truck loader crane. 丹参起重机销售所有类型的起重机,为世界广泛的客户基础,履带式起重机,全地形起重机,崎岖地形起重机,卡车装载起重机。
5. The brachia-bridge crane has obvious superiority with high efficiency, large working range and low cost which are the advantages of both bridge crane and brachia crane. 臂桥架起重机结合了桥式起重机和门座起重机的优点,装卸效率高、工作范围大,而且造价和基础土建费用低,其优越性非常显著。
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