2. College students are stranded in an abandoned town whose only law is the ghost of ruthless gunslinger Bloody Bill Anderson and his posse of vicious zombies. 学院学生困在一个堕落的城镇,那里只有血腥的比尔安德逊和他的邪恶乾尸武装队。手无寸铁的学生如何与血腥比尔抗衡?如何逃出比尔的魔掌呢?
3. And in this volume of stories presented here, he tries to draw the young gunslinger, Roland Deschain himself, into his deadly web and convince him of the inevitability of his cause. 在现在呈现的这些故事中,嗜血魔王试图诱使年轻的枪手罗兰德进入他的死亡陷阱,并试图说服他这是他必然的归宿。