1. A few readers asked how I deal with the initial grogginess that comes with waking up so early. 一些读者吃惊的问我起那么早,是怎么对付早上困的东倒西歪的状况的。
2. But these drugs can also carry unpleasant side effects, including memory loss and grogginess the next day. 但这些药也同时有令人不快的副作用,如:记忆力减退和次日醉酒感(平衡障碍)。
3. So set an alarm, both to avoid the grogginess of a long nap and to make sure you don't sleep through anything important. 因此要设定闹钟,这即可避免过长午睡所导致的昏昏沉沉,又不至于午睡过头误了大事。
1. a dazed and staggering state caused by alcohol
2. a groggy state resulting from weariness
3. marginal consciousness