1. Is glossa embryo thick with the expression that gum is suffer from excessive internal heat more? 舌胎厚和眼屎多是不是都是上火的表现?
2. Next glossa body is intumescent, show vermeil (pinkish red) , at the same time strut of bacterium shape tit, hyperaemia. 然后舌体肿大,呈鲜红色(品红),同时菌状乳头肿胀、充血。
3. The mucosa of their epiglottic-glossa surface have both congestion and edema in different degrees, so that there is airway obstruction and dyspnea. 会厌舌面粘膜均有不同程度的充血水肿,致使气道阻塞,出现呼吸困难。
1. a mobile mass of muscular tissue covered with mucous membrane and located in the oral cavity