1. The Wealth of Nations is the germinal book of modern economics or political economy. 《国富论》是现代经济学或政治经济学的创始著作。
2. According to our economies in the life cycle, he was in adolescence, are at puberty, it is at the stage of germinal sowing. 按照我们经济体的生命周期,他是在青少年阶段,是在青春期,正是在播种生发的阶段。
3. Then you will be because of some deep-rooted misunderstanding of the germinal sad, and even violent behavior and care, or sad it? 那么你还会因为一些盘根错节的误会生发的哀怨,甚至过激的言行而在意,或者悲伤吗?
1. seventh month of the Revolutionary calendar (March and April); the month of buds
2. containing seeds of later development