1. Small screen crawl software, can use the mouse to select the scope of direct crawl, or window or full-screen crawl and reduction, and pre-editing program and print. 小小的画面抓取软件,可利用鼠标直接选取范围抓取,或视窗或全屏幕的抓取并提供裁减,及预设编辑程序与打印。
2. Small screen crawl software, can use the mouse to select the scope of direct crawl, or window or full-screen crawl and reduction, and pre-editing program and print. 小小的画面抓取软件,可利用鼠标直接选取范围抓取,或视窗或全屏幕的抓取并提供裁减,及预设编辑程序与打印。
3. Worm worm, crawl all day. Here comes birdy. crawl away. 小虫子,小虫子,一天到晚的爬,小鸟来了,赶紧离开吧!
4. Crawl: A stroke made in the prone position characterized by alternate over arm movements and a continuous up-and-down kick; originally known as the Australian crawl. 爬泳:一种泳姿。即采用俯卧姿势,以双臂连续轮流划水、双腿上下连续打水为特点,最初通称为澳大利亚爬泳。
5. After taking apart the front tire, front fender, front break, front pack holder, seat and steering, we could finally fit the bike in the box. 总共拆卸了前轮、前档泥板、脚踏板、前刹车、前货架、座垫、把手之后,总算可以装的进瓦楞纸箱里。