1. Otherwise, male people meets the true woman to these frigidity to have fun at no longer. 不然的话,男人们就会真的对这些性冷淡的女人不再有兴趣。
2. Rooting in atrocious survival environment, pants, which invented by local people for withstand frigidity and safeguard their bodies, enwrap peoples' legs. 裤子是对人们的腿部分别进行包裹的衣物,它产生于生存环境恶劣的地区,是当地的人们为了抵御寒冷和保护身体而发明的。
3. From puberty we are preoccupied with sex; but our courts, our counselors, and our psychiatrists are dealing constantly with cases of sexual failure or charges of frigidity or impotence. 我们在青春期就对性特别注意,但我们的法官、学校辅导员和精神科医生们却没完没了地应付性功能障碍的情况及有关性冷淡或阳萎的诉讼。
1. sexual unresponsiveness (especially of women) and inability to achieve orgasm during intercourse
2. the absence of heat
3. a lack of affection or enthusiasm