1. These kids ought to feel themselves for such a free-for-all in public. 这些孩子在大庭广众这样大吵大闹真是该感到害臊。
2. In the multiplayer game, players can do a free-for-all or divide up into teams, each choosing a vessel from the various races available in the game. 在多人游戏中,玩家可自由交战,也可以分成几个不同的小队,每方都可以从游戏的多个种族中选择自己喜欢的一种飞船。
3. Stung by a collapse in advertising revenue as the recession shredded Fleet Street's traditional business model, Murdoch declared that the era of a free-for-all in online news was over. 面对经济衰退给新闻界传统商业模式带来严重打击,广告收入直线下滑的情况,默多克宣布网上新闻免费时代的终结。