1. Most crystals have six-sided symmetry, though three- or 12-sided snow crystals also fall. You will never see a real snow crystal with four, five or eight sides. 多数晶体呈对称的六边形,尽管有过三角形和十二边形的雪花,但现实中你绝不可能见到四边形、五边形或八角形的雪晶。
2. A single side of a printed circuit, we call single-sided double-sided printed circuit board; 单面有印制线路图形的,我们称单面印制线路板;
3. Left-sided diverticular disease is most common in the West, while right-sided diverticular disease is more prevalent in Asia and Africa. 左侧大肠憩室在西方人较常见,右侧憩室疾病在亚洲和非洲人较普遍。
4. Problem of double-sided moral hazard resulted from double-sided asymmetric information exist in many kinds of industries. 双方信息不对称导致的双方道德风险问题广泛存在于各类行业领域。
5. In this paper, we introduce the concept of two opposite sided torsion theories on rings and characterize relative coherent rings with respect to two opposite sided torsion theor-eies. 本文引入了双向挠理论的概念,并且刻画了具有双向挠理论的相对凝聚环。
four high driven mill four high mill four-high rolling mill quarto mill 四辊式轧机;
four high driven mill four high mill four-high rolling mill quarto mill 四辊式轧机;
four high driven mill four high mill four-high rolling mill quarto mill 四辊式轧机;