1. There is one, that's for sure! The devil alone can foment murders! Don't forget that, and be careful! 可以肯定,有一个魔鬼!这个魔鬼可以制造凶案。别忘了这个,小心一些!
2. The US attempts to intervene in the internal affairs of other countries and foment a war through its frenquent condemnation of other countries' human rights. 留学解答资讯网:美国总是谴责他国的人权问题,并企图以此干涉他国内政和挑起战争。
3. Pakistan's security agencies have long accused India of using its consulates in Afghanistan to foment a separatist insurgency in the province of Baluchistan. 印度长期受到巴基斯坦的指责,称其领事馆在俾路支省煽动分裂主义者发动暴乱。
1. try to stir up public opinion
2. bathe with warm water or medicated lotions