1. The mounting paintings, must be careful, you must wear a white gloves, lest flyblown. 二是在裱画的时候,一定要特别的小心,必须先戴好白色的手套,以免弄脏。
2. Before the shop is installed undertake strictly defending according to construction regulation, can prevent marble by flyblown. 铺装之前严格按照施工规则进行防护,可以防止大理石被弄脏。
3. Be opposite in the home before of metope decorate not much, hang kitchenware on the wall so not wholesome, conversely flyblown the wall is cleaned very hard also. 以前家中对墙面的修饰不多,所以把厨房用具挂在墙上不卫生,反过来弄脏了墙也很难打扫。
1. spoiled and covered with eggs and larvae of flies
2. foul and run-down and repulsive
3. especially of reputation