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flip [flip]



    vt. 掷;轻击
    vi. 用指轻弹;蹦跳
    adj. 无礼的;轻率的
    n. 弹;筋斗



    1. The man flipped at a fly with a fly swatter.
    2. Whenever particles interact, they can cause one another to flip.
    3. Space shuttle Discovery performed a slow back flip and then docked at the International Space Station.


      1. an acrobatic feat in which the feet roll over the head (either forward or backward) and return
      2. hot or cold alcoholic mixed drink containing a beaten egg
      3. the act of flipping a coin
      4. a dive in which the diver somersaults before entering the water
      5. (sports) the act of throwing the ball to another member of your team
      1. lightly throw to see which side comes up
      2. cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation
      3. look through a book or other written material
      4. toss with a sharp movement so as to cause to turn over in the air
      5. cause to move with a flick
      6. throw or toss with a light motion
      7. move with a flick or light motion
      8. turn upside down, or throw so as to reverse
      9. go mad, go crazy
      10. reverse (a direction, attitude, or course of action)
      1. marked by casual disrespect


    翻板 板面沿纵轴转动一至数圈后又以轮子落地的动作,该动作源自自由式。; 替换,调换; 反向; 浮式仪器平台;
    flip answer
    翻盖接听; 滑盖接听;
    Flip End
    反转末端; 反转结束;
    Flip Card
    射扑克牌; 提示板;
    flip chart
    海报(训练课室用); 浏览图表; 海报; 活页挂图;
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