1. Fault types: short circuit fault, open circuit fault, low and high conductor resistance fault, grounded circuit fault and cable length measurement. 适用故障类型:电线电缆的开路、短路、低阻和高阻故障,以及长度测量。
2. Fault types: short circuit fault, open circuit fault, low and high conductor resistance fault, grounded circuit fault and cable length measurement. 适用故障类型:电线电缆的开路、短路、低阻和高阻故障,以及长度测量。
3. The reverse fault in western Qaidam basin can be divided into three radical types as contemporaneous reverse fault, epigenetic-contemporaneous reverse fault and contemporaneous fault. 柴达木盆地西部地区的逆断层可分为同生逆断裂、后生-同生逆断裂和后生逆断裂三种基本类型。
4. It includes five grades:①Large fault block, ②sub-large fault block, ③medium fault block, ④small fault block, ⑤mini faul block. 它们是:大断块、较大断块、中断块、小断块及碎块。讨论了各级断块的开发策略。
5. strike-slip fault - a fault on which the two blocks slide past one another. The San Andreas Fault is an example of a right lateral fault. 走滑断层-两个岩体顺断层面走向相对滑动的断层。圣安德烈斯断层是一个右旋断层的例子。