1. Yip can point to years of patient practice developing the fantastical backdrops to the wide array of fictionalised movies he has worked on. 在设计出各式各样虚构电影的奇幻背景时,叶锦添多年来的耐心实作功夫明显可见。
2. The participants will be free to withdraw from the research at any time and their names and(or) usernames will be fictionalised and confidentiality protected. 参与此项调查研究的学习者有权随时退出,并且他们的姓名(用户名)都将被匿名代替,其隐私和相关数据都将严格保密。
3. IN "THE Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet", a situation comedy that ran on American television from 1952 to 1966, Ozzie Nelson, his wife and their two sons played fictionalised versions of themselves. 1952年到1966年的美国情景喜剧“OH冒险记”中,奥齐·纳尔逊和妻子以及两个儿子演绎他们的生活。