1. Must there be some underlying exhibitionism in desperate need of expression_r? 是不是必须有些潜在的需求需要表达呢?
2. Some think that blogging is a manifestation of exhibitionism. Do you agree with this opinion? 有些人觉得写博客是一种裸露癖的表现。你同意这个观点吗?
3. Thirdly, a development of narrative strategies from the traditional realistic and journalistic approach to the modern preference of either exhibitionism or privatism; 再次,在叙事策略上,它所经历的是从传统的似真性、公共性向现代的暴露性、私密性演进的历程;
1. extravagant and conspicuous behavior intended to attract attention to yourself
2. the perverse act of exposing and attracting attention to your own genitals