1. Figure 6. Error sources associated with dc-excitation in a bridge transducer measurement system. 图6。直流励磁桥式传感器测量系统的相关的误差来源。
2. Neutrons, being electrically neutral particles, do not produce ionization or excitation directly in their passage through matter. 中子是中性不带电的粒子,当它通过物体时并不直接产生电离或激发作用。
3. Since a relatively narrow bandwidth is involved, it is also likely that ac excitation also offers greater immunity to RF interference than dc excitation. 因为包含相对地狭窄的带宽,并且是可能的交流励磁为射频干涉并且提供比较伟大的安全性直流励磁。
1. the state of being emotionally aroused and worked up
2. the neural or electrical arousal of an organ or muscle or gland
3. something that agitates and arouses