1. The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord. 王就羡慕你的美貌。因为他是你的主。你当敬拜他。
2. The Water Rat, silent too and enthralled, floated on dream-canals and heard a phantom song pealing high between vaporous grey wave-lapped wall. 水老鼠也痴痴地没有作声,他在梦游海峡,仿佛隐约听到阵阵歌声在雾气灰暗,海浪包围的四壁之间回想。
3. Starting with the Great Pyramid, we moved through the ancient vortexes, innocent and naive as children, enthralled by the mystery stored within the silent stones. 从大金字塔出发,我们通过古代涡流中心,天真如孩子,被储存在沉默的石头里面的秘密吸引住了。
1. held in slavery
2. filled with wonder and delight