1. Discuss the similarities and differences, and how they affect the adaptiveness of each species, particularly in view of human encroachment into their habitats. 讨论其相似和差别,又他们如何怎影响每个物种的适应性,特别是当人类侵入牠们的栖息地时。
2. Person freedom is the person that points to a citizen (include spirit and body) do not suffer imprison illegally, ransack, cross-question, reach encroachment freedom. 人身自由是指公民的人身(包括精神和肉体)不受非法拘禁、搜查、审问、及侵犯的自由。
3. He speculated that the rise of agriculture had led to human encroachment on wild forests, giving the chimp version of the bug, P. reichenowi, the chance to find a new host. 利文斯通推测,应该是在原始农业兴起、人类祖先慢慢侵入原始森林的时候,生长在黑猩猩身上的亚种疟原虫伺机寻得了新的宿主。
1. any entry into an area not previously occupied
2. entry to another's property without right or permission
3. influencing strongly