copy 普通用词,含义广泛,指精确的或不精确的复制品。 duplicate 常指完全一模一样,可代替原件的复制品。 model 可指按某物式样制造、按比例缩小的模型,也可指某物未制成之前做出的模型。 reproduction 批按原物复制的产品,着重复制品与原物相似。 facsimile 含义与copy大体相同,但较文雅。
1. He duplicated a few copies of her letter and handed her the original. 他复印了几封她的信,把原信交给她。
2. Select a constant to change its value, remove it or duplicate it. 选择一个常量以便更改其值,删除它或复制它。
3. They can understand and duplicate gestures and movements to show comprehension. 他们能够明白并且重复手势、动作来显示理解。
1. something additional of the same kind
2. a copy that corresponds to an original exactly v.
1. make or do or perform again
2. duplicate or match
3. make a duplicate or duplicates of
4. increase twofold adj.
1. identically copied from an original
2. being two identical