1. Saw his agile movement and the gigantic fist, could not but be dubitable he before whether to have been the boxer. 看到他敏捷的动作和硕大的拳头,不得不让人怀疑他以前是否做过拳击选手。
2. and to assure their "clients" in doubtful situations by means of an dubitable meta-language based on critical inspections and skeptical interviews and reviews. 使用严格的审查及持怀疑态度的访问与回顾,建立可稽核的后设语言,以提供陷入疑惑中的「客户」保障。
3. and to assure their respective clients in doubtful situations by means of an dubitable meta-language based on critical inspections and skeptical interviews and reviews. 使用严格的审查并对访问与回顾持怀疑态度,以建立可稽核的后设语言,提供陷入疑惑中的「客户」保障。