1. The relations among the fuzzy qualified event, the fuzzy unqualified event, the mendable fuzzy unqualified event and the non-mendable fuzzy unqualified event of the parts are analyzed.

2. "They" are dressed in black, face colored in dramatic white, with also very dramatic expression and behavior.

3. Furthermore, it expatiates on the event-generator, and event-analyzer, event-responder of the DIDS; adopts the protocol analysis, the data analysis, command interpreter and cooperate processor.

4. Furthermore, it expatiates on the event-generator, and event-analyzer, event-responder of the DIDS; adopts the protocol analysis, the data analysis, command interpreter and cooperate processor.

5. Results: Personal relationship event, punished event, and stressful study event is the first, second and third in the six middle school students' life events.
