1. Taipei Medical University - Shuangho Hospital, DOH. 台北医学大学 署立双和医院“,”
2. A recent survey conducted by the Department of Health (DOH) showed that one out of every four junior high school students is currently overweight. 一项最新由卫生部门做的调查显示,目前每四名初中生中就有一名超重。
3. Sceptic: A moon rock photographed during Apollo 16's mission is marked with the letter C. It's a prop, which shows the whole thing is staged. Doh! 质疑者:阿波罗16号执行任务时拍摄到的一块月面岩石上标有字母C。这是个假货,从而也暴露了整个事件都是一场表演。呸!
1. the syllable naming the first (tonic) note of any major scale in solmization
DOH 多哈;
The Department of Health;
Department of Health;