1. In the slow-bicycle race, they wobbled along the track with identical do-or-die looks on their faces. 在自行车慢行竞赛中,他们骑着车,摇摇晃晃地在跑道上行着,脸上都带着一副相同的破釜沉舟的神情。
2. Fortunately we don't normally face immediate, do-or-die decisions – we usually have the luxury of working through a decision. 幸运地是我们通常不需要立刻,生死关头的决定,我们经常具有充足的时间做决定。
3. As for the ruling powers in Taiwan, the mainland must have Shi Lang's do-or-die bravery and resolve, if national reunification is ever to be achieved. 对付台湾这股统治力量,大陆必须要有施琅当年的决一死战的勇气和决心,才能完成国家的统一。