1. It also worked with other local organizations as partner on emergency basis during the early days of the devastation. 而在最初几天的紧急救灾活动中,行动援助也是和当地的民间组织开展工作的。
2. It caused devastation by burrowing and by devouring the herbage which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle. 它们在地下打洞,吞食掉本来可以牧放数百万只羊和牲口的牧草,造成了破坏。
3. But to locate the rest, and to look for smaller objects that could still wreak local devastation, they need more specialised tools. 但要对余下的小行星定位,并且观测到较小的,能造成局部破坏的目标,他们还需要更精确的仪器。
1. the state of being decayed or destroyed
2. the feeling of being confounded or overwhelmed
3. an event that results in total destruction
4. plundering with excessive damage and destruction
5. the termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer