1. And once I spoke of a brook to the sea, and the sea thought me but a depreciative defamer. 我也曾对沧海谈起溪流,沧海认为我只是个贬低他人的诋毁者。
2. And once I spoke of a brook to the sea, and the sea thought me but a depreciative defamer. 我也曾对大海谈起小溪,大海认为我只是一个贬低别人的诽谤者。
3. By "Equipment" we mean any machine that was a capital expense and has a depreciative value. Or any machine that is important to your cell. 所谓“设备”是指任何花费了资金并会贬值的机器。或任何对你的部门重要的机器。
1. tending to decrease or cause a decrease in value
2. tending to diminish or disparage