1. Take demulcent drug for a long time, can leucocyte decrease? 长期服用镇痛药,白细胞会减少吗?
2. Can arise to be mixed undisturbedly demulcent action, also have effect to cardiovascular system. 可以产生镇静和镇痛作用,对心血管系统亦有作用。
3. What thing is the demulcent stick that uses after the operation? Why to use with respect to indolence? What principle? 手术后使用的镇痛棒是什么东西?为什么用了就不痛了?什么原理?
1. a medication (in the form of an oil or salve etc.) that soothes inflamed or injured skin
2. having a softening or soothing effect especially to the skin