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    1. Toys, Stationery, Hardware, Handtools, Household Goods, China Glassware, Fancy Goods, Sporting Goods, Electrical Goods and Hair Accessories.
    2. This lines working process is: roller coater conveys the goods, vacuum hoister transfer the goods from conveyer line to package machine, when the goods are packed, the hoister take goods off the line.
    3. This lines working process is: roller coater conveys the goods, vacuum hoister transfer the goods from conveyer line to package machine, when the goods are packed, the hoister take goods off the line.
    4. If you debase the quantity and deliver goods of imperfect goods to us, we will refuse to accept them.
    5. The term fulfils an important function whenever the seller is prepared to deliver the goods in the country of destination without clearing the goods for import and paying the duty.


    deliver goods
    交货; 送货; 小件非贵重物品转交; 供货,供应;
    deliver the goods
    完成工作; 交货; 送货; 履行诺言,不负众望;
    to deliver the goods
    deliver the goods in time
    failure to deliver the goods
    未交货; 未交到货,交货不达;
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