1. Life is not long , and too much of it must not pass in idle deliberation on how it shall be spent. 人生本来就不太长,我们不应该浪费太多的时间在豪无用处的思考怎样度过人生。
2. The network provides the exchange, the communication, the deliberation opportunity, Designates and issues the best news. 网络为设计师提供交流、通讯、研讨的机会,选定和发布最好的消息。
3. As the key part in procedures of legislation, the quality of legislative deliberation will affect the quality of legislation directly. 立法审议作为立法程序中的关键环节,其审议质量的高低直接掣肘着所立之法的质量。
1. (usually plural) discussion of all sides of a question
2. careful consideration
3. planning something carefully and intentionally
4. a rate demonstrating an absence of haste or hurry
5. the trait of thoughtfulness in action or decision