1. And, I mean, How stupid that the degauss got to we forget to call anyway right? 我在想,是不是因为那个愚蠢的电话答录机消去了我的电话留言使你没能及时地给我回电呢?
2. Definition form Wikipedia: A degauss causes a magnetic field to oscillate rapidly, with decreasing amplitude. 摘自维基百科的定义:消磁器产生幅度递减的快速交变磁场。
3. Gigi:Hey, Conor, I hadn't heard from you. And, I mean, How stupid that the degauss got to we forget to call anyway right? 琪琪:嗨可我到现在还是没接到你电话我在想是不是因为那个愚蠢电话答录机消去了我电话留言使你没能及时地给我回电呢?
1. make nonmagnetic; take away the magnetic properties (of)