1. Some, however, are being offered double that to decamp to rivals. 不过还是有人被竞争对手以高出一倍的奖金挖走。
2. For UBS, the Swiss would also doubtless want a foreign buyer to decamp to Switzerland, a big barrier to a deal. 对此瑞士银行受限更大,瑞士毫无疑问想要一位外国买家帮助他们撤回瑞士本土。
3. If banks are forbidden to indulge in proprietary trading, their employees may decide to decamp to the hedge-fund industry. 如果银行自营业务受限,他们的雇员可能会跳槽到对冲基金业。
1. leave a camp
2. run away; usually includes taking something or somebody along
3. leave suddenly