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    1. An airdrome target is a system target that consists of some aviation guarantee facilities. Each facility is a sub-target. The damage of each sub-target can effect on its guarantee ability.
    2. Can you see any difference between a dead dog and a dead Hitler, or even a dead Buddha?
    3. Muriel was dead; Bluebell, Jessie, and Pincher were dead. Jones too was dead-he had died in an inebriates' home in another part of the country.
    4. Dead breathe I living breathe, tread dead dust, devour a urinous offal from all dead.
    5. A dead body of a male adult, a dead consignor, a target.


    Micrographics--Reflectance test target used in the test target for inspecting the quality of micrography of technical drawing
    缩微摄影技术 用于“检验技术图纸缩微摄影质量测试标板”的反射率灰板;
    Micrographics--Reflectance test target used in the test target for inspecting the quality of micrography of technical drawing
    缩微摄影技术 用于“检验技术图纸缩微摄影质量测试标板”的反射率灰板;
    target type flowmeter target meter
    Micrographics--Reflectance test target used in the test target for inspecting the quality of micrography of technical drawing
    缩微摄影技术 用于“检验技术图纸缩微摄影质量测试标板”的反射率灰板;
    target type flowmeter target meter
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