1. There is a female vice premier, she add colour to our dais today. 其中有一位女性副总理,她为我们今天的讲台增加了一点鲜艳的色彩。
2. I saw a man standing on a raised dais, under two giant scimitar swords. 我看见一个人站在一个高高的讲台上,在两把巨大的半月形的弯刀之下。
3. Dagen removed the last item from his bag, a shallow siler bowl that he placed on the altar. When everything was ready, he stepped away from the dais. 达恩从他的袋子里取出了最后一件东西,那是一个很浅的银碗。他把碗放在祭坛上。一切都准备就绪了,他从祭坛走开。
1. a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it