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    1. No headlights. This wooded valley was probably crisscrossed by dozens of unmapped fire roads and hunting trails, but Collet was confident his quarry would never make the woods.
    2. In the skies of Coruscant now, the important vessels were no longer warships, but were instead the fire-suppression and rescue craft that crisscrossed the planet.
    3. Bangkok is surrounded by a vast, damp, alluvial plain, crisscrossed by a network of klong.
    4. The coastal areas are swept by summer monsoons bringing plenty of rain. The second terrace is crisscrossed by rivers, lakes and canals nourishing a great variety of crops.
    5. Occupying land crisscrossed by ancient invasion paths, Pakistan was the home of the prehistoric Indus Valley civilization, which flourished until overrun by Aryans c. 1500b. c.


    At the cleft of the Dagger-Tower Trail they crisscrossed through a cloud-line
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