1. Crispen, Mrs. Reagan's press secretary, described it, the U. S. first lady " is learning to roll with the punches" . 如同里根夫人的新闻秘书克里斯彭所形容,美国第一夫人“正在学习以柔克刚”。
2. As Elaine Crispen, Mrs. Reagan's press secretary, described it, the U. S. first lady "is learning to roll with the punches". 如同里根夫人的新闻秘书克里斯彭所形容,美国第一夫人“正在学习以柔克刚”。
3. As Elaine Crispen, Mrs. Reagan's press secretary, described it, the U. S. first lady "is learning to roll with the punches" . 如同里根夫人的新闻秘书克里斯彭所形容,美国第一夫人“正在学习以柔克刚”。(具体应用还要看语境。