1. Several months ago, on a family trip with my in-laws, I realized that my periodic bouts of crabbiness were related to hunger. 似乎我比普通成年人饿地次数更多,而且我是一个十分挑食的人。
2. Several months ago, on a family trip with my in-laws, I realized that my periodic bouts of crabbiness were related to hunger. 几个月前,一次和岳父岳母的家庭旅行中,我发现自己周期性的心情不好是和饥饿有关。
3. She told me, "For a long time, our mornings were awful -- lots of crabbiness and procrastination, me yelling at everyone to hurry up." 听上去与直觉相违背,而且,我不确定这对每个人来说是否都行得通,可是在我家,我们有一个上学前美国航天局似的倒计时。