1. He fell into a sleep so deep as to counterfeit death. 他睡着了,沉睡得像死了一样。
2. In general, counterfeit means that a drug can lack an important ingredient, contain a harmful ingredient or be mislabeled. 一般而言,假药意味着一个药物缺少重要的成分,包含有害的成分或贴错标签。
3. Cannot get the seed-operation license, counterfeit, change, buy or lease the seed-operation license, or cannot operate according to the stipulations of the seed-production license. 未取得种子经营许可证或者伪造、变造、买卖、租借种子经营许可证,或者未按照种子经营许可证的规定经营种子的。
1. a copy that is represented as the original
2. make a copy of with the intent to deceive
3. not genuine; imitating something superior