build,construct,found,erect,establish,set up
build 普通用词,含义广泛,可指一切具体或抽象的建造或建立。 construct 较正式用词,强调根据一定计划进行的规模较大,结构较复杂,要求较高技术的建造。 found 侧重打下基础或创办,具体或抽象事物均可用。 erect 侧重指对高而垂直物的建造。使用不如build广泛。 establish 着重稳固地建成,可具体指国家、政府、学校或商店等的建立,也可指信仰、信用、名誉、法律、制度、规则等的建立。 set up 作“建立”用时,侧重于“开始”。可指具体或抽象的建立。
1. How to construct the Decision Trees with high precision and small size is core. 如何构造精度高、规模小的决策树是决策树算法的核心内容。
2. Besides, it shows that any attempt to construct an ideal language is doomed to failure. 同时,它也告诉我们,构造理想语言的企图注定是要失败的。
3. At one extreme, you can construct a system as a long string of sequential operations, such as we do in a meandering factory assembly line. 一个极端是,你可以把系统构建成一连串的顺序操作系统,就像我们使用的曲折的工厂装配流水线一样。
1. an abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances
2. make by combining materials and parts
3. put together out of components or parts
4. draw with suitable instruments and under specified conditions
5. create by linking linguistic units
6. create by organizing and linking ideas, arguments, or concepts
7. reassemble mentally